Want to join the tea party?

Drop us a line.

Introductions can be awkward.
We know, we know. Meeting someone for the first time can be a little nervous but don’t worry, you will cherish our second date!

How can we be of service?

Websites. Design. Marketing. Automation.
Websites. Design. Marketing. Automation.
Why Choose Us?

We build relationships that last a lifetime

A partner, not a vendor.

Our KPI for success is your business growth. This means understanding your core strengths and limitations to offer the right usable solution. We don’t push things for the sake of our business. Unlike most agencies, we act and work as a partner who is equally committed to your success as you are. Nothing less.

We set clear expectations.

As a creative agency, we can do a lot of things – design, websites, marketing and more. But we also can’t do a lot more things. So, when a task requires skills more that what we have, we will tell you upfront. And then find a person who can help do the same. We will be the POC for the work and manage the project to ensure timely delivery.

Flexible & structured.

We work as an extended part of your team. This means we’ll collaborate with you on WhatsApp, Slack, Asana, or whatever tools you use internally. No new systems or onboarding required. We create systems in a way that increases your efficiency and makes your job and life easier. 

People first. Business next.

We’d like to think our work ethic is defined by our customer retention. This means even if we aren’t a right fit, we don’t drop the ball. We make an effort to find an alternative for you to get your work done. And expect nothing in return. This has led to many clients stay with us for a long time and even come back to us after multiple years despite having other options. The longest time a client has stayed with us is 8 years (still ongoing).

Office Locations

Registered Office MadHatter Creative (OPC) Pvt. Ltd.
#235, 2nd &3rd Floor, 13th Cross Road, Indiranagar II Stage, Bengaluru, Karnataka – 560038
Team Office #216, 2nd Floor, 30, Service Rd, Kallumantapa, Banaswadi, Bengaluru, Karnataka – 560043